Quantum Cascade Lasers - Physics and Applications | |||||||||
Quantum Cascade lasers are semiconductor lasers based on intersubband transitions in quantum wells. Because they are based on a different physical principle as the more traditional semiconductor lasers, they enabled the realization of optical sources in two previously underdeveloped regions of the optical spectrum, the mid- and far-infrared, corresponding to wavelengths between 3-20 and 60-300 micrometers respectively. Such sources are very important for optical chemical sensing applications in various field such as security (explosive and narcotics), medical (breath analysis and glucoses monitoring) or environmental. An other area of applications are infrared countermeasures. This workshop will address both the fundamental physics aspect of this devices as well as new developments. Key features of the workshop will be international participation, connection to applications, as well as an educational tilt for Ph.D students. Key Topics